The Important Benefits of aN HR Audit or assessment
Many small businesses don’t
require full-time HR administration or they have a designated employee handling minimum HR administrative activities such as enrolling new hires. Today’s environment puts a heavy obligation on the business to ensure that company policies and practices comply with existing, changing and new employment law regulations.
This can be a lot for an HR department of one to handle.
We have a few things in mind that can help and relieve a little bit of the burden.
What every HR department needs is a review or assessment to help fix problem areas and potentially mitigate risk. This is precisely why we offer a department assessment.
Many small businesses are just not aware of how certain HR activities can drive more profitable business results. Our HR Assessment process does two things:
Identify areas of potential improvement and or solutions you can implement to avoid legal and regulatory liability, and
Identify and offer support for select HR initiatives that can drive improved business results.
You can pick and choose and implement over a time frame that suits your needs. Many of our clients prefer to bring us in-house for one or two days a week so that we can provide face-to-face support for as long as needed.
As an example, let’s talk about compliance which is driven in part by the size of your workforce. Here’s a sample of compliance requirements that may apply to your business:
Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) Who is covered? What are the eligibility requirements? What are the basic provisions? What are the employee rights, record-keeping and notice requirements?
Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) Which of your employees should be classified as non-exempt and paid at least minimum wage for all hours worked and overtime pay at not less than time and one-half the regular rate of pay for all hours worked over 40 hours in a workweek? Which of your employees are exempt from overtime and does that exemption meet the requirements for one or more of the following exemptions Executive, Administrative, Professional, Computer and Outside Sales?
Do you have current Louisiana and Federal Labor Law Posters accessible by employees in your workplace?
Is your employee handbook compliant with Louisiana Labor Law regarding Breastfeeding, Bone Marrow Leave, and School Visitation Leave?
This is just a small sample of the things we help you look at with a fresh set of eyes. The benefits are considerable.
As one recent client put it:
“I can assure you he can impact your organization in ways you haven’t thought of yet.”
If you want to read about the other services we offer, take a look at our services page.
The word “assessment” often has a negative connotation. You may feel like your work or how you work is going to be harshly criticized and picked apart. With us, that is not the case.
We are interested in the success of your business, and a lot of that stems from your HR department.
Here’s a sample of HR activities in the assessment we help with that drive positive business results:
Well-written job descriptions with job competencies allow potential employees to gauge their skills, traits, training and professional experience against those needed for a particular occupation.
The descriptions and competencies are also a means for a business to screen job applicants. This information is included in performance requirements, which are the basis of performance reviews. In addition, a company relies on job descriptions and competencies to create training programs for its employees.
In turn, employees rely on this information to identify the training and skills required to obtain a promotion. Surveys indicate that most employees believe the clarity of expectations is very important to their success, but only 3 out of 10 believe their employer is good at it. A good job description is a proven way to set those expectations and we provide our clients with a good solution.
Performance feedback processes will always be important to running your business. Research shows that most of us want the following:
Clarity on job requirements and priorities
Ongoing feedback and communication
Opportunities to learn and grow
Accountability for the job results
We offer our clients a simple-to-use process that meets all the above including training of the leaders and their employees on how to use it.
Employee Engagement training for leaders will improve retention of high-performing talent, improve overall employee performance and build winning teams. We help first-line leaders “move the needle” on improving job commitment using common sense day-to-day techniques. For example, “words do matter”, so knowing how to give informal feedback that helps an employee do his/her job better can improve performance by as much as 40 percent if you know what to say.
Every business is unique and we’ve helped clients for years with a full range of HR support from recruitment to designing pay programs and other important policies. Most customers like to have us on retention and or on-call. We create trusted long-term relationships that are productive and affordable.
But what does our customer get out of the experience?
Businesses who work with us get a full range of support options from administrative to tactical operations, including customized guidelines and policies specific to their company. They get 24/7 access to an HR professional service that can advise them on any employment-related issues. Somehow it never seems to fail, most HR emergencies occur after hours and during weekends.
They get results such as increased retention rates, higher employee engagement, more effective teams, higher profit per employee, ongoing compliance with employment laws.
We encourage you to take a look at your HR department and decide if increased retention rates, higher employee engagement, and more effective teams are a few positives you think your business could benefit from.
We know it could, and we know we can help you get there.
FLHR offers HR assessment that will serve as a strategy for future best practices. Click the button below for a free 15-minute consultation.