Why You Need to Invest in Your Employees with Professional HR Consulting & Coaching
In today’s world,
coaching has developed into an industry. There are coaches for business and mindset, and coaches that help you with your career path or lifestyle.
No matter the goal, they all have one thing in common. Results. A capable coach or trusted advisor can make a difference in your business or life.
For the sake of this blog post, we are going to talk about the role of a coach or advisor in your business. The benefits of having one, and how you know you might need to bring one in.
Let’s face it, every small business has one or more employees who struggle with some aspect of their job.
For example, it could be someone in a leadership role who is not strong in Emotional Intelligence and struggles with Self Management competencies like awareness and self control, or Relationship competencies like empathy and teamwork.
It could be a staff employee who doesn’t have the skills or the will to perform the key functions of the job.
If the business is not capable of addressing these situations, the likelihood of failure by the employee is high. A capable coach and trusted advisor can make a difference in improving areas of weakness so everyone feels more confident and capable in their roles.
As we work with clients through various HR services, they inevitably ask for coaching help with one or more of their employees.
Benefit 1: Improve the employee's ability to perform, increase trust and their motivation to stay with your company.
It is important to note that the outcome in coaching always depends on the individual. They need to have the Will, Ability and Motivation to want to do something different or better. The truth is that not everyone has these qualities.
However, when the employer demonstrates that they care enough to invest in coaching for their employees, it goes a long way in building the culture of the business.
Benefit 2. Your employees want to grow and develop. When you give them the tools to do so, your business will also grow and develop.
Here’s the truth, not all leaders are skilled at being a coach and mentor as part of their job. Hiring someone to coach and advise your team will get them the help they need and the help that will benefit them AND your business.
Benefit 3. Your employees are likely to perform at higher levels, assume greater responsibility, and will commit to your company for a longer period.
This boils down to a simple equation. You provide and commit to your employees, and they will show up and commit to your business.
The risks for ignoring employees that need extra training is having to deal with the constant struggle and cost of high-turnover. Providing growth and development is a critical driver of retention and company brand.
Sometimes you have the right person for the right job, but they need a little coaching. Other times you are at a loss for finding the right person for the job. When that happens, take a look at our free resource about hiring and keeping the right people. Click the button below for free access.
We worked with an organization with an employee whose role was to support a large population of workers of an organization, but whose personality was characterized by introversion.
After months of working one-on-one, she gained confidence through self awareness, became exceptional at relationship building, committed to an ongoing personal development plan, and went on to be valued as a trusted business partner and advisor to an entire region within an organization. She later left the company and started a successful business.
What a great story. Why? The employer identified an employee with a pivotal role that was struggling. They invested in her success and she became successful, both while working for the organization and now on her own.
The answer to “why” is simple. It’s because we love it and we are good at it. Our Founder, Ray Lieber, has had the privilege of working with hundreds of leaders and employees on a wide range of issues from how to lead others, building relationships, assessing performance contributions, problem solving, managing time more efficiently and the list goes on.
He was also a youth athletics head coach for 25 years! Some still call him “Coach Ray.”
Here is a great quote from him on coaching:
“You would be amazed at the similarities between coaching ‘on the field’ and coaching in the workplace. For example I learned a great technique from someone else to use when the issue was not one of capability but desire. Instead of criticizing the player, I would ask them the following question with my hand on their shoulder pad. ‘Be honest with me, was that really your best effort? What could you have done differently?’ It was amazing how that motivated performance.”
We say this a lot, but it’s true. We want your business to be successful. Most of the time, that is dependent upon your employees. Coaching or advising is a great first step to investing in their training and the future of your business.
We love to work with leaders who want to improve their performance. We would love to assist you by clicking the button below to get a complimentary 15-minute consultation.